After moving to the "straightline" we had a very small home but it was home and we all began to heal. In this location in springbille the were two "hollows" or I guess it would be like small canyons. One was called big hollow and was near the Evergreen Cemetary. The other was called little hollow and it was south of big hollow and just a short way above, or East of our little home. as kids we all had alot of fun exploring little hollow and making forts, tree houses, and played lots of fun games there. In the winter we went sleigh riding down the hills of little hollow. We also went ice skating in the ponds that were natural water holes for cattle. The ponds were north of us and by Diane Childs home.
I had some very good friends out on the straightline. some of them were, Arlene Boren, my best friend, Bonnie Backus, Diane Childs, Utahna Sorenson, Elaine Ence, Jeannine Watts, and Billy Clark. We all hung around together clear from about third grade through high school. Great friends.
Mom, do you keep up with your girlfriends? How sweet would it be to have a girlfriend reunion?