Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Siblings, One and all.

No blog would be complete without telling you about my sister and two brothers. Sue, as we called her was the oldest of the clan. She was a good sister, liked to take charge of us all and often did. Sue was a quiet child and never made waves with mamma and daddy. It is hard to remember alot about her as she left this life way too soon. Next in line was Richard, he was always full of life and had new things to try, do or make up. He was good at fixing almost anything or building something from almost nothing. Richard was a big tease and I am sure he kept me crying alot of the time. Then I am next in line and after me came my younger brother Jim. I felt really close to him because we got along well and thought alot alike. I am sure there will be many more times that the reader will be introduced to all of us as we weave our way through this lifetime.

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